Shakespeare Baby Names For Boys

Looking for some inspiration from Shakespeare for baby names for boys? Shakespeare käytti 125 miesten nimet hänen 35 näytelmiä, nimeämällä kuninkaita, narrit, sankareita ja sotureita… joten jotain jokaiselle persoonallisuustyypille! Lue koko lista Shakespeare vauvan nimet pojille alla:

Aaron – (Titus Andronicus)
Abram – (Romeo ja Julia)
Achilles – (Troilus ja Cressida)
Adam – (As You Like It)
Adrian – (Coriolanus, The Tempest)
Ajax – (Troilus ja Cressida)
Albany – (Kuningas Lear)
Alexander – (Troilus ja Cressida)
Alexas – (Antonius ja Kleopatra)
Alonso – (The myrsky)
Angelo – (the comedy of errors, measure for Measure)
Antonio – (the two gentlemen of Verona, Twelfth Night, The Merchant of Venice, the Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing)
Aragon – (the merchant of Venice)
Arthur – (King John)
Balthasar – (The Comedy of Errors, the Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing)
Barnardo – (Hamlet)
Bartholomew – (The Taming of the Shrew)
Benedick – (Much Ado About Nothing)
Benvolio – (Romeo and Juliet)
Berri – (Henry V)
Bertram – (All ’s Well That Ends Well)
Brandon – (Henrik VIII)
Caius – (Julius Caesar, Titus Andronicus)
Caliban – (myrsky)
Caesar – (Julius Caesar, Antonius ja Kleopatra)
Camillo – (the winter’ s Tale)
Cassio – (Othello)
Cassius – (Julius Caesar)
Cato – (Julius Caesar)
Cesario – (Kahdestoista yö)
Charles – (As You Like It)
Cicero – (Julius Caesar)
Clarence – (Richard III, 2 Henry IV/Henry V)
Claudio – (Much Ado About Nothing, Measure for Measure)
Claudius – (Julius Caesar)
Corin – (As you Like It)
Cornelius – (Hamlet, Cymbeline)
Curan – (King Lear)
Curtis – (The Kesaming of the Shrew)
Davy – (2 Henrik IV)
Decius – (Julius Caesar)
Demetrius – (a Midsummer Night ’ s Dream, Titus Andronicus, Antonius and Cleopatra)
Dennis – (as you like it)
Derby – (Rikhard III)
Diomedes – (Troilus and Cressida, Antonius and Cleopatra)
Donalbain – (Macbeth)
Douglas – (1 Henry IV)
Duncan – (Macbeth)
Edgar – (King Lear)
Edmund – (King Lear)
Edward – (2/3 Henry VI/Richard III)
Egeon – (the Comedy of Errors)
Emmanuel – (2 Henry VI)
Fabian – (kahdestoista yö)
Fenton – (Merry Wives of Windsor)
Ferdinand – (The Tempest, Love ’s Labour’ s Lost)
Francis – (1/2 Henry IV)
Francisco – (Hamlet, The Tempest)
Frederick – (as you like it)
George – (2 Henry VI)
Gonzalo – (The Tempest)
Gregory – (Romeo and Juliet)
Griffith – (Henry VIII)
Hamlet – (Hamlet)
Hector – (Troilus ja Cressida)
Henry – (King John, 1/2 Henry IV, Henrik VIII, 1/2/3 Henry VI, Henry V)
Hubert – (King John)
Iago – (Othello)
Jamy – (Henry V)
Jaques – (As you Like It)
John – (King John)
Joseph – (The Taming of the Shrew)
Justice – (measure for Measure)
Laertes – (Hamlet)
Lance – (the two gentlemen of Verona)
Lancelot – (the merchant of Venice)
Lennox – (Macbeth)
Leonardo – (the merchant of Venice)
Lincoln – (Henry VIII)
Lorenzo – (the merchant of Venice)
Lucio – (Measure for Measure)
Lucius – (Julius Caesar, Titus Andronicus, Timon of Athens)
Lysander – (A Midsummer Night ’s Dream)
Macbeth – (Macbeth)
Malcolm – (Macbeth)
Marcellus – (Hamlet)
Mercutio – (Romeo and Juliet)
Michael – (2 Henry VI, 1 Henry IV)
Morgan – (Cymbeline)
Mortimer – (1 Henry VI)
Morton – (2 Henrik IV)
Oberon – (A Midsummer Night’ s Dream)
Octavius – (Julius Caesar)
Oliver – (as you like it)
Orlando – (as you like it)
Orsino (12th Night)
Oswald – (King Lear)
Othello – (Othello)
Paris – (Romeo and Juliet, Troilus and Cressida)
Peter – (Henry VI Part 2, Romeo and Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew)
Petruchio – (Romeo and Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew)
Philip – (The Taming of the Shrew, King John)
Philo – (Antonius and Cleopatra)
Prospero – (The Tempest)
Puck – (A Midsummer Night ’s Dream)
Reynaldo – (Hamlet, All’ s Well That Ends Well)
Richard – (Richard II, Richard III)
Robert – (King John)
Robin – (A Midsummer Night ’ s Dream, The Merry Wives of Windsor)
Roderigo – (Othello)
Romeo – (Romeo and Juliet)
Ross – (Richard II)
Sebastian – (myrsky, kahdestoista yö, kaksi Veronan herrasmiestä)
Shaw – (Richard III)
Silvius – (As you Like It)
Timon – (Timon of Athens)
Titinius – (Julius Caesar)
Toby – (kahdestoista yö)
Tybalt – (Romeo ja Julia)
Ulysses – (Troilus ja Cressida)
Usher – (Coriolanus)
Valentine – (Titus Andronicus, the two gentlemen of Verona, kahdestoista yö)
Vincentio – (measure for measure, the Taming of the Shrew)
William – (as you like it)


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